Ever feel like there's something you're missing when it comes to meal time? Maybe it feels like you spend three times as long cooking as you plan on, or that the clean-up just never ends and it's not worth it. You've probably tried things to make it better, but in the end you're still as frustrated and burned out as ever from feeding your family. Well my friend, you are most definitely not alone.  I've been there! Making meals every single night while simultaneously doing all of the other "mom" things can be enough to make anyone want to scream. Out of desperation (and because I couldn't afford to get takeout every night) I started to make changes and I discovered that it really is possible to work smarter and not harder in the kitchen. To do so you'll need to implement the 4 habits discussed in this episode! Listen in to see how your evening and mealtimes transform when you implement the habits! Resources: Master Mealtime WaitlistMealtime mindset worksheetThe 4 secrets to mastering mealtime guide