Previous Episode: Psionic Golem
Next Episode: The World is Yours!

One of the biggest questions I've been asked by those outside of my circle of readers and club members is why magick seems to backfire, spells tend to rebound, or ultimately sickness and failure manifest in place of what should ordinarily have been... success! Of course, in my club those club members with me for a couple weeks tend not to have failure. Why is this? Listen to this podcast to find out why Vrilock Psionics works wonders! where witches and wizards Keep The Magick High!

Keep the magick high in the Vrilock Insiders Club at!  

----more----What else is new?
There are myriad stories of adventure and successful sorcerers all throughout history. However, more often than not are the horrific unforeseen consequences of magick gone awry, spirits running amuck, and double-crossing genies. None is more exemplary than the stories of Doctor Frankenstein. However, perhaps here is a story you are less familiar with... the golem of Chelm and the golem of Prague. Our new curiosity series has just released the book of the year for curious readers of the mysterious and mystical. We call this one: Psionic Golem! 

Read the new 'Psionic Golem' book! >>