Hello Friend of Vrilock!

Close your eyes and listen. Beyond the mundane, beyond the pixels and screens, lies a realm where music dances with the unseen. Our podcast episode is your invitation—a whispered secret passed through earbuds and speakers.

Imagine melodies as cosmic threads, weaving through your chakras. Apple Music becomes more than an app; it’s a portal. The Vrilock Miraculous Prayer Board hums in resonance. 🧘‍♂️

Learn about the secret method of musically transmitting the power of the Miraculous Prayer Board! 

Join vrilock.club this June for a $100 OFF discount on the Dowsing Kit! Plus many other club membership perks for magick, witchcraft, and psionics! 

Shop vrilock.com where witches and wizards #KeepTheMagickHigh! ™

“Keep The Magick High! Instant Manifestation w/ Psionics Master Herr Doktor Vrilock!“ ™