In this episode of 


Adam Kokesh faces off with psionic outlaw Tom Vrilock on the topic of freedom vs slavery! (No, not really. We’re just having a chat. But you never do know! Muwahahahaaa! )

—About Tonight’s Show!—

Herr Doktor von Vrilock surprises us once again with his immutable brilliance! And in his indisputably divine wisdom, Vrilock welcomes to our program the libertarian presidential candidate and U.S. Marines veteran Adam Kokesh

Adam is the host of ‘Adam vs the Man!’ And tonight we’re talking Freedom vs Enslavement! Are we free yet? Well, tune in to find out where we’re all headed!


For those who are unfamiliar with the story which brought into contact these two unlikely fellas, it can be summarized as follows: Adam Kokesh who is a freedom loving American was wrongfully incarcerated after demonstrating his right to bare arms in D.C., and Doc Vrilock worked 4 hours a day with the Miraculous Prayer Board to free this hero from bondage. 

Adam Kokesh, former libertarian candidate for the position of President of the U.S.A. is a veteran of the US Marines who served in the Iraq War. Adam is also the host of Adam vs. the Man! once a television show that is now produced on his web site, produced M-F, 9am-11am. 

Adam is a libertarian human rights activist with a message for waking up his fellow Americans to a true world tyranny! is Adam’s main web site! And you can listen to his audiobook here at 

But of course you’ll find all manner of positive ventures and noble pursuits (such as Adam’s geo dome construction business and his Garden of Freedom) when you follow Adam Kokesh on Twitter @adamkokesh


If you enjoy these podcasts please patronize the Vrilock Psionics Shop and see what goodies we have for your mind empowerment pursuits! Shop at 


Thank you for joining us on Planet Vrilock tonight! And until next time…





P.S. Be like The Avengers! Harness the willpower of a Green Lantern against all fear! Master the Force like a Jedi Knight to bring life back into balance! Join the Psionic Brotherhood and train up in the Vrilock Club! and Keep The Magick High! 

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