Herr Doktor von Vrilock has produced another glorious podcast! In his indisputable and divine wisdom Tom Vrilock elaborates on the successful operations of the Miraculous Prayer Board, and even a few stories from club members!

Reflecting upon the years of success in operations of psionics, and in particular my work with the Miraculous Prayer Board Psychometric Infusion Instrument, I wonder if we have arrived at a place in space/ time from whence there is no return. And yet, I ask myself "Why would we ever wish to retreat from this new frontier?" Surely the prayer board is the ultimate potential for personal empowerment via psionic instruments. As it is, I see no reason to detract from this dictum. Still, I must think forward. So I am. However, and having stated this in retrospect, I feel that it is imperative to humanity to share the stories of the Miraculous Prayer Board here and now, so that this shall be remembered ever onward as a first step into a much larger universe!

Thank you for supporting my work! And until next time... as always... ALWAYS!...


Vrilock signing out!


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