Today we update our lovley subsribers on a brand new SISTER VENTURE the team here at Planet Tyro are embarking on, and it is a community based podcast focused on voicemails called "The Voice Of Mail Podcast" or just VOMP Don goes over the sordid details but this video is a call to action to anyone who may be interested in this new idea of sending your thoughts to us in voice format about current, news, pop culture, movies, books, anime... pretty much anything we can chew on and get a nice conversation flowing As of this writing / recording we are in an open BETA PHASE and have not launched officially yet but we want YOU GUYS to be in on this thing from the very beginning - and we will leave all relivant links below to connect and follow us on this new journey that we are VERY VERY excited about HEAD ON OVER TO - VOMP.SITE - and let us know what you think first and foremost and find all our new links below.. which are kind of barren right now BUT we still want y'all to be first in line on the floor with us running! Thank You for your support and stay tuned for further updates!