The idea of the lost civilization has always held an intoxicating sway over the human mind, driving some to fantastical speculation and others to doomed exploration. The Meerkats delve into some of the most persistent myths, from Atlantis to Lemuria to hollow earth theory, with a detour into Bohemian Grove. Pull out your Mayan calendars and get ready to party like its December 21, 2012!

Exploring Myths of Lost Civilizations

The idea of the lost civilization has always held an intoxicating sway over the human mind, driving some to fantastical speculation and others to doomed exploration. The Meerkats delve into some of the most persistent myths, from Atlantis to Lemuria to hollow earth theory, with a detour into Bohemian Grove. Pull out your Mayan calendars and get ready to party like its December 21, 2012!



Further Reading

Them: Adventures with Extremists by John Ronson on Goodreads

C-Span from 2002: Jon Ronson talks about Alex Jones, sneaking into Bohemian Grove and how Alex lies to his listeners

The Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City by Jennifer Toth on Goodreads

Reliquary by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Childs on Goodreads

Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis by Anne Rice on Goodreads

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly on Goodreads

Atland by Olaus Rudbek on Internet Archive

Sheela na gigs on Wikipedia