For this episode of the Planet MicroCap
Podcast, I spoke with Chip Maloney, frequent contributor to,
Brandon Mackie from Small Cap Discoveries and Philippe Belanger from At, we cover the MicroCap stock market on a
global scale – we’ve done interviews with MicroCap management teams from China,
Israel, Canada, Spain…just to name a few, and I wanted to learn more
about investing opportunities in Canada. So, after speaking with Chip, we
thought it be cool to conduct our first roundtable conversation on the podcast
to discuss the MicroCap investing opportunities in Canada. We covered a lot of information during our
roundtable so I’ve decided to separate the interview into two parts. This is PART 1.

The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market - check out the latest issue here: MicroCap Review Summer/Fall 2015In this episode, Chip, Brandon, Philippe and I discuss the following topics:- Each of my guests' backgrounds: how they got into investing in MicroCaps and Canadian MicroCaps- Why Canada? Why should I, as a U.S. investor, be looking at potential good investment opportunities in Canada?- Resources and commodities have always been associated with Canadian-listed companies. We discuss other industries in Canada- Difference between Canadian and U.S. technology companies?- How they source new Canadian stock ideasYou can follow Chip Maloney on Twitter @MicroValue, and be sure to check out his educational articles on MicroCapClub.comYou can follow Brandon Mackie on Twitter @SmallCapDisc, and his website is: www.SmallCapDiscoveries.comYou can follow Philippe Belanger on Twitter @Espacemc, and his website is: www.Espacemc.comYou can follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft, and you can also listen to this interview on

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