Vikra Ijas is the co-founder and the Chief Marketing Officer at His mission has been to leverage tech to connect and amplify kindness. 

Vikra graduated from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in 2012 with a Bachelor's in Commerce specializing in Marketing and International Business. 

In 2013, along with his co-founder, Timur, Vikra established a social initiative called Kitabisa. It is an online fundraising and donation platform. When this podcast was recorded in 2019, Kitabisa had facilitated donations work USD 70 Million. The platform has become even more popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it now collaborates with major celebrities and media outlets for various fundraising projects. For instance, Kitabisa is a partner for online benefit concerts hosted by Narasi TV and Kompas TV, which managed to collect more than IDR 10 billion (USD 670,700) and IDR 7 billion (USD 469,500), respectively, and directed the money to vulnerable communities, such as informal workers whose income has evaporated because of social restrictions. In the last two months, Kitabisa channelled USD 10 million towards COVID-19 relief efforts. 

In this podcast, Vikra talks about the spirit of 'gotong royong' that means a collective action or sharing a burden within a community. He also talks about his journey, personally and professionally, of creating a bigger impact in a very warm and heartwarming fashion.


Vikra Ijas: LinkedIn, Instagram and Medium 
Kitabisa Website 
Vikra's favourite book: The Power of Now
Vikra's Slideshare and 'Theory of Disjoined Triangles for Success' 


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