Jim Cathcart is the epitome of a baby boomer - born on the first year of the boom and graduated high school on the last year. In his mid 20’s he discovered Earl Nightingale. This led to a storied career as a National Speaker and inspirer of 10’s of thousands, author of numerous books, top 1% of TEDx speakers, teacher of entrepreneurship, advisor. Still speaking, coaching, and singing in his band.

Jim Cathcart wrote what could be the next anthem of the Baby Boomers - “ReZoom the Boom.” Listen on Spotify

Partial lyrics.

ReZoom the Boom

It’s time to call the roll again.

We’ll rock and roll till the very end.

We still have our dreams sweetheart.

The baby boomers headed for retirement

To many people are letting go

They think achievement time is over

It’s time to grow

Time to ReZoom the Boom.

It all ReZooms when you begin to dream.

Time to call the roll again.

We’ll rock and roll till the very end.


Show Notes

Why he is not on an island somewhere.

The story of ReZoom the Boom.

Retire “to” not “from.”

Life is the impulse to create and achieve.

Desire is possibility seeking to be expressed.

How do we continue to stay relevant?

Recognize you may be obsolete in some things.

20/20 Hindsight is not perfect.

“Without reflection there is no true learning.” - Kevin Buck

From selling cassette programs for Earl Nightingale to becoming one of his published authors.

Music is math.

His early influences. Zig was just beginning.

The 4 things baby boomers have going for them.

Assume there is a way.

More influences - Og Mandino, W. Clement Stone.



TEDx talk.

Planet BoomerVille is for Baby Boomers and is about being Stellar and Living Life Lively. That means Baby Boomer brain and physical health. Baby Boomer family relationships, love, sex, and romance. Making new friends. Appreciating old friends. Lot's of mu