I bought a new book that could be noteworthy and pass the test of time and be one of those books that is kept in your library, underlined, marked up, and full of sticky notes. It could be one of those books that you gift your young adult family members.

The Book is Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris, author of 4 hour work week, body, and chef. This is the show note compilation of the best ideas of his many brilliant guests.


There are over 740 reviews, most of which are by devotees and praise the book to high heaven. 4% (29) of reviewers gave it two stars or less.

I read the bad reviews first for perspective.

I have realized that one person’s biases may not be another’s.

The detractors criticized for content, chapter organization and details, and editing.

For the most part, I did not notice or, found what they were annoyed with refreshing or not a concern.

Here’s an overview….

- it’s 700 pages; nice bright orange color; stands out, so color research was clearly done.

- it’s organized into 3 main sections - Health Wealth and Wisdom

- each section has 19-46 podcast guest show notes that are 1-5 pages each.

- rather than a specific topic under each main section, you get a …name only, and you must read what their subject and contributions is.

- because the chapters are so short, it’s perfect for a quick read without having to come back later to finish.

-perfect for the bathroom, anytime you have a 5-10 minutes. Quite easy for morning and evening reading.

- have also noticed I do not need a book marker, or to be concerned about where I left off. I just finish a section and check off the authors name, and put the book down.

- when I am ready to read again, I will pick either health, wealth, or wise, choose a name and read what they are about.

- that does mean I must create a new system to remember what the people are about. I’ve written a one word description by the author ‘sI think are most interesting.


Tim’s introduction how to use this book and What makes these people different is - could be a high light for living life.

The Health section may appeal most to the scientifically inclined readers - many chapters about not your normal diets, designer stimulants for brain and body, with instructions I do not think I could follow.

The take aways in other chapters have been easier for me to digest. For instance, fasting for 3 days. I have done that before so it was a nice reminder with scientific benefits.

The Wealth section has many well know names as well as under known names. Ramit Sethi is well known. I listened to the original podcast, and found this short chapter a valuable reminder.

The Wise section General Stanley McChrystal Red Team concept - you have a great idea and work and think to disrupt it  “how would you disrupt or defeat this plan?”

In each Section, there are 10-13 Non-Profile Chapters by Tim that are excellent, perhaps getting down to the essence of Ferris.

There is a section on the Top 25 podcasts, which will save you time.

Especially interesting for future reading lists is The Most Gifted and Recommended Books of all the Guests. There are 17 that have been mentioned at least 3 times. And then there are the books each author mentioned that did not make the list.

Who is this book for?

If you Face Time, Skype, or Zoom, this is an excellent book to elevate your computer so that your camera is eye level, rather than looking up your nose.

It is classified as a business book, but would be valuable for anyone in a creation (re-creation) or growth mindset.

Here’s the final thought…particularly relevant to Planet BoomerVille, and how you are living life…in the time you have left.

by Peter Thiel,  - If you have a 10 year plan of how to get somewhere, you should ask, why can’t you do this in 6 months?

And that, may be the most important take away for you today.

Thanks sharing with your Baby Boomer pals and for liking our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Declare your personal manifesto with a copy of The Boomer Manifesto as a starting point. www.PlanetBoomerVille.com


Planet BoomerVille is for Baby Boomers and is about being Stellar and Living Life Lively. That means Baby Boomer brain and physical health. Baby Boomer family relationships, love, sex, and romance. Making new friends. Appreciating old friends. Lot's of music, new and old. It is about new life beginning and adventures. Planet BoomerVille is about embracing the future and making your now as big as your past. Maybe bigger and even better. Why not? Why not you?

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