The first part of this episode was recorded in early August after #FloydFest 16. Current brilliant insights were added. Live life lively boomies.

- The FloydFest ritual overview.

- What new traditions can be created? (6:30)

- Official UK stats on aging and loneliness (7:11)

   TV or pets are main form of company

   12% feel trapped in their own homes

   more women than men feel lonely.

- Can we cross pollinate friends?
- Baby boomer anti-loneliness awareness- staying connected with our children           friends.(8:41)
- Inter-generational connectivity is part of our future.
- Loneliness is statistically on the horizon….let us plan now.
- Big dating tip for single boomies. (10:20)
- Gatherings - who, what and when.
- Gathering ideas.

- Beat the UK statistics.

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