You remember receiving letters from your parents and other loved ones. Perhaps you still have them in a box. Listen, and be reminded, as Lynette Smith, author of “How to Write Heartfelt Letters to Treasure,” walks through the reasons to write, how to write with purpose, and the family legacy you can create with letters. Not text’s or emails.

- It began at her son’s wedding.

- Feelings from the heart.

- Acknowledging positive attributes.

- Don’t let them go to grave wondering or not knowing.

- Write when the magnitude of your gratitude is bigger than a thank    you note.

- Digital media -

- Handwritten or typed?

- Are we the last generation to write letters?

- The components of a letter:

  - Share a treasured memory.

  - Positive qualities.

  - What person has meant in your life.

- Make a list of people to write to.

- About her book:

  - How to plan

  - Special occasions.

  - Occasions made special.

  - The appendix.

  - Famous quotations.

  - Prompting ideas.

Music - Liberace - Moonlight Sonata

          - Elton John

          - Julie Collins

Death and Dying.

Looking back from 95.

Final Thoughts-

- Mending torn relationships.

- Can be saved for grandkids and great grandkids - family legacy.

- Write to family and friends who have passed on.

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