Adri Kyser is an International Yoga Teacher and Wellness Coach with a strong and dedicated following. She was born and raised in Caracas Venezuela, where she went to Law School for a few years before moving to the US. Adri’s caring, unique and authentic approach to yoga and wellness stems from her personal experience in coping with chronic back pain for over a decade.   

Adri has helped hundreds of women worldwide live a more mindful, healthy, and balanced life by providing classes, coaching sessions, and specialty programs that teach how to discover and develop the innate power of true inner beauty. She loves and supports charities like Yoga Gives Back and the Healing Hands Foundation, two non-profit organizations making a positive difference in the world. 

Learn more about Adri’s classes, programs and services at 

Adri is a speaker at the #NoMeanGirls 2017 National Conference, register today