More women are graduating from college, becoming the primary breadwinners in their home and reaching new levels of career success than ever before.  In fact, according to BMO Financial Group (Women of Wealth. Ettinger, H. and O’Connor, E. Family Wealth Advisors Council, 2012. WomenOfWealth_12pp.pdf)

“women are now the primary breadwinners in over 40% of U.S. households. This represents an almost four-fold increase from 196012. Women also own 30% of all private businesses in the United States, employing over 7.8 million Americans13, and control 51% ($14 trillion) of U.S. personal wealth. The wealth that women control is expected to grow to $22 trillion by 2020”.

So why is all this important in my own financial freedom story?

Kara Perez founded Bravely this January to start a community of self-identified women using the financial tools to bridge the gap between their dreams and their realities.  Kara discovered her love of finances courtesy of her quarter-life crisis. Broke, underemployed and saddled with student loan debt, she realized that her lack of financial education was crippling her adulthood.