There is a lot of pain being publicized in the world in recent years. There is a palpable aching in people originating from an external focus of control. It looks like there are "good guys" and "bad guys," heroes and villains, but it's all just worldly conditioning. The world often tries to make you think that the problem lies in our differences, but it is really our similarities that cause us to collide. We all want so much of the same thing that we begin to fight for something there is plenty of because the world is formatted from a perspective of "lack." We must learn to respect one another's choices, even while still finding our own way. We must turn away from conversations, actions, and behaviors that support the tearing down or degradation of others, and speak power into ourselves and one another despite our own insecurities. Though we are traveling our own journeys in life, we must create a world where violence does not automatically ensue when our paths intersect simply because we walk differently. The only person who can set us free from this mindset is ourselves, though. How will you take back control of the world's momentum? Stop waiting for someone else to carve out your place. Stop living up to the worlds expectations of stress. Start molding your existence breathing easy, and free, instead of wasting another moment holding your breath. 


A poem for change.