How does one mitigate prostitution, war, suicide and murder? Andrew O'Brien is here to share how he did.

PROSTITUTION – Andrew was raised by a mother who's career was prostitution and stripping. Throughout his childhood, him and his two siblings would move from apartments, trailers, motels and houses every year or two. Andrew witnessed a lot of traumatic sexual acts and adultery as a child that left him with a deep anger and hatred towards women... until he was able to forgive.

WAR – To escape his childhood and his surroundings, Andrew decided to join the Army after dropping out of High School. He served from 2007 to 2011 as an 88M which is a Motor Transport Operator. He deployed to Iraq from 2008-2009, where he served the majority of his time as a lead gunner for all convoys. He often says this was the happiest he'd ever been... felt purpose.

SUICIDE – A year after returning home from Iraq, Andrew attempted to take his own life by swallowing over 120 pills in less than two minutes. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't just the military experience... the largest contributing factor to the suicide was issues from his childhood. He woke up two days later in the ICU with a new found appreciation for this gift called "life".

MURDER – October of 2011 Andrew's mother made a decision that would change his life. She became a famous murderer after killing her husband while he was sleeping. She had asked him to help frame her husbands ex-wife for the murder. October of 2014 Andrew testified against her in court where she was found guilty for murder and sentenced to 60 years in prison.

Listen now to this harrowing story and what Andrew is doing now to find meaning, purpose and impact.