The knife wielding thief shouted out a series of demands while backing the store clerk into a corner, standing in the only possible exit.

As the thief closed in, the store clerk began to fight back.

What ensued in the rest of the video showed a tragic murder, the store clerk getting stabbed multiple times, eventually collapsing into a pool of his own blood while the thief grabbed handfuls of cash out of the safe and fled off camera.

I looked around at the faces of the other men in the class. Some watched in a state of shock, mouths agape. Others had clinched fists and gritted teeth.

The video was part of a self defense training program we were in. It was a video of a real murder, caught on tape.

My most dominate emotion, though, was frustration.

As the instructor of the self defense class rewound the video and talked us through step-by-step of the murder, he showed us all the opportunities the clerk had to fight back.

"You see how his entire attention is focused on the knife?" the instructor shared. "Now look at how exposed the thief's groin is." He paused the video. "The thief is literally straddling the clerk's knee! Had he simply known how to..."

The instructor went on to point out how many chances the clerk had to save his own life.



And this, of course, is simply just one story out of thousands that occur every year.

My guest this episode of the PK Experience podcast is the instructor I had at that course, Tim Larkin.

Tim has been named the Self Defense Instructor of the Year and simultaneously inducted into the Black Belt Hall Of Fame. A former military intelligence officer, Larkin was part of a beta group that redesigned how Special Operations personnel trained for close combat.

Over 10,000 clients are trained in his Target Focus Training (TFT) from Military Special Operations Units, Special Law Enforcement Teams, Celebrities and high profile business leaders on how to use physics and physiology to injure any human(s) trying to attack them. TFT is the original Reality Based Fighting System.

He is a highly sought after speaker as well as the media’s “go to guy” on Self Defense and Victim’s rights.

Tim's training has literally helped people save their own lives and the lives of others, as well.

He teaches women how to defend themselves against larger, stronger perpetrators.

He teaches men how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

This is information I'll be sharing with my daughter and when he's ready, my son.

I highly recommend you take a few moments to listen.

It may very well save your life.
