Why are so many young people moving into depression?
Depression begins in the mind, before it becomes a problem in the brain. And the good news is that you can heal your brain by healing your mind. At the core of depression is a battle with oneself. If we do not make peace with ourselves, we will inadvertently criticise everything about ourselves: our appearance, our status, our home and family, our life itself. When we are not at peace; we are at war. We are divided against our own selves.
At the root of our inner conflict is the habit of incessant commentary, a commentary which divides every experience of our lives into “should be” or “should not be.” It is this habit that drives us to comparison. It is this habit that drives us to inner war.When you look at your body, you do not see it as it is; you comment on every inch of it as it should be or should not be. When you are with your family, you are not present to it as it is; you comment on every member as should be this way or should not be this way. When you enter your home, you do not relish it; you comment on it as should have been bigger or smaller or should not have been bigger or smaller. When you get to work, you are not filled with a sense of purpose. You are not filled with a sense of creativity; you judge every day as I should have been elsewhere or I should have not been here. You walk around with a nagging inner critic, a critic inside your own head. You become your own enemy.To end this war within yourself means to become an observer of your inner state. When you emerge into being an observer, all commentaries become redundant and fall away from you like dried leaves. They get carried away in the river of awareness. A deep sense of calm, a deep sense of joy radiates from your being. In this magnificent state of consciousness, every failure is assimilated, without the need to blame oneself or another. Every defeat is accepted without the need to justify oneself or condemn another. Other people’s words and statements do not become your way of looking at yourself or your way of looking at your body. You are comfortable with your angry self, with your jealous self, and your lonely self. There is no part of you that you perceive as wrong. You are at ease with the entirety of yourself. You are healed; you are whole.
Sri Amma Bhagavan's Message
Dear Devotees how are you all ?
Remember I and Amma are always there for you and would protect you in all ways.In order to protect you and the rest of humanity through you, I am posting the following message.This message in India is for every devotee who has attended Parinama Yagnyas and Maha Deekshas and Internationally it is for everyone who has been initiated as a Blessing giver, Deeksha giver. Golden Age Consciousnesses Meditator, Supreme Light of Supreme Love Meditate and Happens Meditator.I want to speak to you about Deeksha today.The Global Deeksha event on the 13th of April is a very special event.
During the Deeksha Amma and I would be flowing very powerfully through Krishnaji and Preethaji to all of you, and through you to the World.This is a new form of Deeksha that I and Amma would be giving you through Krishnaji and Preethaji. This Deeksha could be transmitted to you only by those who are completely in Sync with us and who are concerned about the Crisis being faced by humanity and only by those who could hold the intent strongly for a sufficiently long time. This is what Krishnaji and Preethaji  would be doing.It cannot be given through touch.This Deeksha power must be held in great sacredness. It would create great healing on the planet and would push human consciousness to higher levels along with greater Oneness between humans and all living creatures of the Earth and the Earth itself.It is our wish that every Deeksha giver be part of this sacred act of healing the Earth. Blessings to all