As one humanity let us begin to move towards peace, towards harmony, towards sharing, towards oneness. Join the world oneness wave. 

This is going to be a very special, unique and powerful event. Where every common man, human being will be part of this event blessing humanity’s consciousness to move towards oneness. We have to understand that earth, our mother is living and because earth is living, we're all living. It's not because we are living the earth is living. 

And the earth has a heart and you can actually feel the vibration, its called the electro magnetic field and it vibrates at  7.83 Hz.

It's actually measured, its a resonance, the earth’s resonance.  Now science has proven that human beings we too resonate. We too emit electromagnetic field.  Our brain and our heart, they emit electromagnetic field.  But unfortunately, because of the suffering states that humanity lives in; states of depression, loneliness, sadness, anger, fear insecurity, selfishness, jealousy, hatred.

Because of all these states that your consciousness has cultivated, you are not in resonance with the earth’s magnetic field.

Only a state of oneness can lead us to that space where other heart, our brain  resonates and goes in complete sync with the earth’s heart.  And if that can happen, which will happen a more harmonious world where there is less division and less separation where there is less discrimination, where there is more love, connection, peace and joy.

You will also see the earth’s rhythmic cycles coming back to its natural way. the seasons, which is all right now haywire. And the World Oneness Day on March 7th is for that purpose. 

How this will happen? this will happen through deeksha. 

What is Deeksha?  Deeksha is a process where you are allowing the  divine  to flow into you and from you and the divine flow into the world to bless the world. 

This is a very ancient method. And a very sacred and a powerful method. There has not been any global massive deeksha event that has ever happened. This is going to be the first time. Each and every one of you are going to be a part of this event. 

Heartmath Institute will be partnering with us. To measure the electromagnetic fields that we will be generating on the 7th of March as all of us are giving deeksha. As all of us are giving deeksha to the world. 

They will be measuring and letting us know how this deeksha is impacting humanity’s consciousness. 

So join this tapas to offer your sacred fruit on the 7th of March, to impact humanity’s consciousness, and to collectively move humanity's consciousness from separation, division to oneness.