Addressing your inner state vs merely fighting for freedom.

The entire Humanity is in fear, that is the state from which we need to find freedom. We need to become free of our fear, not free of our home or free of our husband or wife or children

Seeker: It looks like this continuous staying at home, not going out not mixing with people not doing what we want to do feels  like a total loss of freedom. with all this talk of vaccination and monitoring every human being what i fear is our privacy is getting lost what do you have to say Sri Krishnaji ?

Freedom is a very funny concept.  whether you are inside the house or outside the house we as human beings have always felt that we don’t have freedom.  So this is just a big excuse that we are coming up, know this is basically physical movement, and all the pleasures of life has basically stopped. , and to put it in spiritual terms escape from suffering has basically stopped. The problem is home and you are stuck at home now.  so you are facing your worst problem which is more than corona virus itself. I think many people in the world will be saying  to themselves, you know what, let me have corona rather than staying with my wife, children and all these people around that’s happening.  so, you see people taking out marches saying that we want freedom, we want to be out of our homes.

I think freedom is a very funny concept. its nothing to do with whether you are at home or you are outside home. Then some people have this concept of freedom that I better leave the planet and I go somewhere else.  so, where does it stop? Its more of an inner state.  Freedom is , you need to find freedom from suffering state. Its not getting out of the house. 

The previous question which basically said, the entire humanity is in fear that is the state from which we need to find freedom. We need to become free of our fear, not free of our home or free of our husband or wife or children and keep running out.  that’s not freedom. That’s just escape. But unfortunately if you do that now and you get corona virus and you will move into double fear or triple fear or fear to the power of 10 or 20 which is even more dangerous. Because this virus can get serious. 

Always humanity has been fighting for some kind of freedom,  we actually do not know what freedom we want and from what we want freedom we do not even know that. We just keep fighting for freedom.  

so, privacy yes, privacy is a big issue but unfortunately we seem to be getting into problems in such a way that we keep losing our privacy. We either keep losing our privacy because of problems or we keep losing our privacy because of greed. 

You  take facebook and instagram the people around the world are finding some kind of a freedom on those platforms.So then you want to find freedom on those platforms you obviously loose your  freedom. you lose your privacy, so  I think again privacy is a very funny concept.  todays world there is no privacy at all.  with or without corona there is no privacy. Because I am told in New York if you walk for 5 minutes, you are taken like 24 pictures, 26 pictures? 

After those terrorist attacks.  so, you are constantly being recorded, you are constantly being monitored where you are going, what you are doing, 

Today’s technology, once you have this smartphone its over. They can turn on your cameras, they can turn on your mike, you know this.  they can do anything and everything.  there is no question of any freedom or privacy anymore in our lives. So all these are funny concepts that we should be coming out of.

I think  the most serious issue that we should be addressing is our state.