Sri Krishnaji speaks on how to connect to the heart field of the other and initiate a healing.

How do we stay connected to our loved ones and understand their challenges so that we can help them find solutions? 

  To understand what a member of your soul circle is going through, to connect and to feel your heart needs to be awake. 

 When your heart is awake, you are not desperate to get them to a space of pleasantness so that it is comfortable for you. 

 When your heart is awake, you feel them.  There is no fear in you of their suffering. There's a loving patience and an intense attention; attention to their expressions, attention to their voice, attention to what they are saying. 

There is an undistracted attention from your side. 

 For those few minutes, you have set aside everything else in the wide world, and only that person becomes important for you. 

 When you are present this way, your heart’s consciousness field expands and impacts your loved one. It connects to their heart field and a process of healing begins. 

 Often times, what a loved one needs may not be a solution. All they need may only be your loving attention