Soul Sync for Peace 8 - By Sri Preethaji 


It gives me great joy as I look forward to teaching you soulsync for peace. We will be meditating everyday for one specific cause. peace and this will be your strength to dissolve your  inner violence, it will be your magic wand to heal your heart and to move on with life, it will be your genie to solve existing challenges, and your gateway to a peaceful life.

Soulsync for peace has opened millions to solve their differences and live a life beyond judgment and division.

Are you ready to do the practice with me, for all you need is just peace.

All that your loved ones, your family and the world needs is just peace.

Let us now move into the meditation.

Please sit with your eyes closed. Hold your spine erect and your body still.

We move into first stage of Soul Sync. Take 8 conscious breaths. Use your fingers to keep count.

The second stage. Inhale slowly and exhaling make a humming sound hmmm 

Do it 8 times.

Take 8 conscious breaths now as you bring total awareness to the natural breath pause that happens between every inhalation and exhalation.

Now gently chant ‘Aham’ or ‘I am’ as you take 8 conscious breaths. 

Now let the tip of your thumb touch the tip of your index finger. Visualize or feel your body and all forms around you expands into light. Feel yourself expand into the Infinite Limitless Consciousness.

In this state, hold heartfelt intention for peace, peace within you and peace in the world around you.

Shanti Shanti Shantihi

 Feel the joy of  peace manifesting in the world. Remain in this space for as long as you want to.

Whenever you feel like , you may gently open your eyes.

You have spoken to the Universe through the soulsync. The universe will now speak back to you as peace within you, peace in your loved ones and peace for the world around you.
