All I want to say to you is please do not die. LIVE.

What ever is hurting you today, I promise you, will pass.

If every door in the world feels closed, let me tell you there is one door waiting only for you to walk through it.


If you are thinking of dying because you see no way to rise out of your financial abyss, let me tell you - there is a way out.

BREAK, Break out of your inner desperation. Break out of this space of self - pity and anger at injustice.

OPEN. Open your heart to the pain of others - then and then alone, magic will unfold. You will wake up to your own unique gift.

You are born with a gift with in you that is yet unopened.

You have a gift to give the world. In that gift is your salvation. In giving that gift will be your abundance.

All I want to tell you is LIVE.

Live long and abundantly.

If you are thinking of dying because you have lost a loved one.

Let me remind you - you may have lost a loved one, but the love you shared together remains with in you for ever.

Neither separation, nor death can take away the love you have felt.

Do not shut your eyes and heart to those beautiful moments of love - feel them and honour them. Cherish them and be grateful for them.

In greatfully immersing in the moments of love from yesterday will a new road open up today. Love will once again come upon your path. You will become love.

You have hit the rock bottom. You can only rise from here.

Find the courage to rise and love again.

All I ask of you is to live and love again.

If you are thinking of dying because you are unable to bear the torture of your own mind - let me tell you this tyranny will end.

This loneliness and meaninglessness will end.

Observe the force of habit. Listen to me - pushing you to distraction - but dont believe your thoughts.

For your mind is but a liar. For your repeated thoughts have no truth to them. Let not old wounds and new hurts dictate the directions of your future. Dont believe your tricking mind.

Observe it - dont give in.

Today, you feel lonely and lost - afraid and numb - not because you have no one who cares.

But because and old habit of the mind is disconnecting you from love and care.

Close your eyes.

Think of one person who can feel your pain. Open your eyes.

Go reach out to them. Open your heart to them.

You will find the courage to laugh at your mind's games.

This moment, this rush will pass.

All I want to say to you - is live on. Live this moment.

Now if you want - allow me to hold your hand.

Please close your eyes.

Feel the divine with in you. - as a friend, as a force, as a power - that will change the winds of life for you.

Simply ask - help me - LIVE

Bless me to live with Love. Bless me to live with purpose.

Bless me to live everyday as a Blessing to others.


89% of suicide attempt survivors say their actions were impulsive.

52% of the survivors said they would’ve reconsidered their actions had they received care and support.

So, make a difference