Sometimes I wonder, how we humans would have turned out, if we had descended from the comparatively more peaceful Bonobos instead of the more aggressive chimpanzees.

Aggression, anger, territoriality and violence seems to be so inbuilt into humanity.

Otherwise after more than 10,000 years of recorded history, would we still be going for wars?

As a species we are gripped by polarities. We talk of peace on the one hand, but instigate war on the other. We are rich and powerful, but yet we feel so powerless and insecure that we want to go on expanding our borders on every side.

What is wrong with humanity? Why this war mongering tendency between nations, organisations and individuals?
Why does not humanity learn even after 10,000 years of recorded history that wars once begun never end?
What is victory in war?
Victory can give you the thrill of crushing the enemy but does it really give joy?
Can it ever give joy?

Look to the end of the Mahabharata war. 99 Kauravas are killed, all their children are killed, their allies are killed. Pandavas win the war. But after winning, all their children are killed and their grand children in the womb too is almost killed.

Wars don’t end once begun. World War -1 birthed World War- 2 and you can still feel the aftermath of World War - 2 as terrorism across the globe. What a colossal disaster each of these wars was. The scars they left on people still continue after generations.

Hate makes you go for war. After losing, the losers hate the winners even more - and we look for every opportunity to hurt back.

With every generation of war-mongering, hate would only go on increasing.  One cannot help but wish that more than 2 million years ago our ancestor grand mother from whom we all arose, were a more peace-loving Bonobo and not an aggressive chimpanzee!

Let me ask you this question - In your personal life, what is your natural preference? Is it peace or war?

Please know that if our individual consciousness were peaceful, that peace will radiate into our families, organizations, communities and our nations.

If millions of us can desire peace and meditate for peace in both the countries, we can prevent this war from escalating. I wish millions of indians and chinese pray that there be no war between our nations. And that each can live peacefully with in their borders.

Let us not be excited by war, but let us value peace.


Let us now meditate for peace.

Please close your eyes.
Touch your heart with both your palms.

Deeply desire that there be peace in both the nations.

Feel peace energies radiate from your hearts spreading to both these nations.

We come from a culture that always wished peace for all life. Wish that there be peace in all nations of the world, in all human beings and in all life.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti