Our Girls Our Future - By Sri Preethaji 

Spirituality can sometimes be a balm that soothes the wounds of the heart. 

At other times it can be a fire that burns away ignorance and evil and creates a revolution. 

I believe it is time we all gather our forces together – all spiritual teachers, Social reformers, educators, mothers, fathers conscious young people 

let us hold a vision to truly awaken the hearts of  every child, teen and young adult.

Look at what is happening in India -a nation that taught the alphabets and the numerals of non-violence to the world, a nation that has for millennia considered woman sacred  What is happening to us?

Please don’t shut your eyes to truth because it is hard to bear. We can’t change what we don’t see  what we don’t meditate upon.

What makes one human being hurt another? 

What makes a man molest a child? 

What makes a group of men rape, mutilate and kill a girl? 

Can you feel? It is only a heart that is totally dead, that is dead to all feelings. It is only that heart that can perpetrate such acts of cruelty. Dead to feeling what another is feeling. Dead even to what they are feeling in themselves  their own lust, rage, their own fear, their own thirst for pleasure. 

When the heart dies, what remains is not human, not animal 

something beastly and monstrous emerges in its place. 

It is terrifying to imagine that millions of such people roam the face of the earth. 

Poverty and the rage of hunger, frustration and anger towards those who live better lives, addictions and total loss of sensibilities, maddening pleasure-thirst fueled by various media - all building into the disasters we see around ourselves. 

What is the cure? How do we prevent the arising of such people in the next 5 years or 10 years? 

What we are seeing today is the result of a failed education, failed religion, failed law. From where do we begin the remedy? 

I believe this situation calls for a national education on sensitizing the heart. 

It needs a massive education not on morals, not on religion but on being human. 

Our national education needs a strong element of meditation and life wisdom that can awaken the hearts of children, awaken the hearts of young people to compassion for themselves and others, to respect the weak and the powerful, to care for one’s own family and others. 

We need an education that will educate, that will teach young people to dissolve their frustration, their anger, their insecurity and lust through the universal art of meditation and not to succumb to destructive habits. 

In a country with over a billion population, with millions battling for survival, how can we expect parents or caregivers to engage in human cultivation? 

The government of India is now engaged in the process of transforming education. 

I urge the government that a hope for a better nation lies in introducing elements of heart centered education now. It is okay to be late than never.