Lonely and Depressed ? Find Peace 4- By Sri Preethaji 


When what we seek changes, how we relate and to whom we relate also changes. Life itself changes. 

Take a couple of deep and slow breaths. 

Become aware of the journey of your breath in to your body and out of your body. 

Let us hold this insight in our heart- 

“The experience of loneliness is more to do with confinement in your thinking, than to a lack of company.”

Have you ever felt alienated even when you are amidst a group? 

Or felt lonely in the middle of a conversation? 

Do you isolate yourself out of loneliness? 

Contemplate on those moments and you will see that absence of activity or people is not the real problem. Rather, it is your inability to connect or feel connected that causes this loneliness.

You cannot connect, when you are caught up in unresolved mental processes. Conflicting emotions like hurt, insecurity, fear or anger disconnects you from the present moment and imprisons you in loneliness. 

You become preoccupied with yourself and your thought created miseries, alienating you from others and creating disconnection and distance.

Shall we meditate for a few moments now?

• Sit in a comfortable posture. close your eyes. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth in total awareness 

• Ask yourself if you tend to feel lonely often? Do you hide and brood in your own self- imposed loneliness away from people?

What activities do you engage in, to escape from loneliness?

• What emotional conflicts are you preoccupied with and how do they prevent you from connecting with people?

• This would be the right time to hold a sacred intention or a prayer for you to move away from self preoccupation and habitual conflicting emotions and to open your heart to connecting with people.

You may slowly open your eyes 

Return as many times today to the realization that “The experience of loneliness is more to do with your confinement in your thinking, than to a lack of company“

Namaste. Have a beautiful day in a beautiful state.