How are you all? we wish you are maintaining inner calm and peace through this crisis. Do you know if you looked at history, history is an incredible teacher for all of us if only we can learn from the repeated patterns it reveals to us. If we simply looked at 100 years of human history we will realise that economic crisis in the world is always artificial and is induced because of the exploitative tendency of human beings, which is us.
From greed is born exploitation. from exploitation arises economic depression, 
To come out of economic depression the more powerful nation unfortunately takes recourse to war over weaker nations. as we all know War furthers creates divide; the richer nation's become richer and the poorer nation's become poorer. 
Well, this brings us to the question of "what is greed?"
Greed is not about wanting to generate huge wealth. And as is popularly believed the opposite of greed is not contentment. 

Choosing a frugal life, a simple life or choosing early retirement are all just life style choices it is not that you have become free of greed. 

Greed  is about generating wealth without a larger purpose to nourish the whole. Then wealth becomes a tool only for self centric pursuit. It is no more a means for creating symbiotic growth.

Wealth that is generated with the purpose of serving a larger purpose is always  sacred.  Such wealth serves the larger whole - your organisation, nation or the earth itself.

 If as a race we have learnt anything better from history,  we should resist the temptation of going for wars to build our falling economies because of the Corona global crisis . We should go forward towards creating technologies that are earth friendly. We should go forward towards creating economies that are not cancerous but economies that are sustainable. It is time for Governments of the world to rethink their economic structures. Unfortunately global economy has become too complex; and  people’s life styles too have become complex and not easy to maintain. 
It is time to be simplify. Only simplification can we find solutions to the existing problems. 
It is time for a massive change. 
This massive change it’s only possible when you can live from a connected state, from a connected consciousness that is why it is important to understand that we have to feel  connected so that we will not take the route of going for war to revive our economies if we do not feel connected then that is the route  most  probably we will take. 
Every individual should go for meaningful growth and not cancerous, greed driven growth. When your pursuit of wealth is born from greed, it will be cancerous. Like cancer you may grow your wealth very rapidly; but since it is born of self obsession and comparison, it will destroy you and your life like cancer. 
Let us all remember this law of the universe- only that which contributes to the well-being of the whole thrives. That which is self serving and hurts the well being of the rest will perish. 
The shift from exploitation to symbiosis must happen in our consciousness, it must happen at every level and most importantly at the family level too- it must happen in the way we serve and receive from our loved ones and  our family members. Symbiosis is to joyfully support another’s growth, while you gratefully receive another’s support for your own growth. You live in the realisation of the interdependence and mutual well-being. 


Please take some time as an individual and reflect authentically-
have you been exploitative of any one in  your  life? 
Has it been important for you to receive help gratefully and serve others growth joyfully? Share your reflection in the comments below