Sri Preethaji guides you on a simple 3-step practice that will cut through negativity and wire your brain to positivity

This simple practice you will cut through negativity and wire are your brain to positivity 

Breaking addiction to negative emotions

Most people I meet are addicted, they are  habituated to some negative emotions or the other. Some know they are habituated and some don't know. 

Three common states people make in to a habit are anger related states like irritation, frustration or road - rage.

Some give in to fear related states such as tension, stress, anxiety or even panic. 

Some others give in to sadness related states such as loneliness, dullness, insecurity  or depression. 

But these emotions too are habits - like eating sweets, like talking too much, or gossiping or like consuming too much alcohol. These emotions too are habits. 

And you have to break them. Because every addiction - makes you unintelligent and they hurt you and hurt others around you. 

Every sensible human being must set themselves free of addictions to negative emotions. 

If during this period of seclusion, you give in to negative emotions - by the time you emerge out of this period of seclusion, it would have become a habit in you.


To come out of negative emotions, you need to have some Scientific understanding of the human brain. The human brain has a tremendous attraction for the negative. It is like velcro for anything that is negative, Funnily it's also like Teflon.  It's like non stick for positive.   Brain is trained to remember something that is unpleasant for millions of years to ensure survival.  But our mental health today is getting affected today because of this very habit. We are not in fear today because  a dinosaur is chasing us.  

Our negative emotions Are because we are caught in many movies about the past and the future  in our heads.  and the part of the brain that actually triggers and feeds on negativity that what is the amygdala. The more you engage in negative mental movies, amygdala becomes extremely neurologically active. It actually swells inside.  We have to shift that activity from the amygdala to the prefrontal cortex to the front of the brain which is where the logical thinking happens, balance and practicality is possible. To be in the present moment is possible and to decluch ourselves from these movies is possible.

It is only by being in the present you can solve any problem. 

This shift from Amydala to the prefrontal cortex can only happen if you push your brain Into observation. 

Can you simply observe and name whichever emotion is arising within you?  Aha this is anger.  This is anxiety. Or this is sadness.  

You don’t need to try change these emotions or try come out of them. Simply observe them. Like you are seeing old friends enter your home. 

Aha! There you are- anxiety, Welcome back. That is all. 

And then- shift your awareness to your eyebrow centre and see a tiny flame there.  

Can you do this simple practice for your mental health? 

This simple practice and you will cut through negativity and wire your brain to positivity.