Is lifestyle change Spirituality ?  - By Sri Preethaji 

Often times when I meet people they say I am spiritual or I am practicing spirituality. So if you get into a deeper conversation with them they would say that I do yoga every morning. Just to clarify what spirituality is, spirituality is not a lifestyle change. Spirituality is not becoming a vegan or a vegetarian, spirituality is not practicing yoga in the morning or in the evening. 

Spirituality is when you move beyond your separation. And you experience life from a state of being expanded with deep connection that is true spirituality. And when you act from this state of feeling this expansion and deep connection with life the actions that emerge out of these states actually contribute and impact the web of life. 

What happens is when you are coming from a deep state of connection and you are performing actions with deep passion whatever that action could be it could be to remove the suffering of somebody or pain of somebody,  to make somebody else's life more easier, more simple or to add value to product or to people. When there is a deep passion in this state of connection and you perform actions those actions themselves are contributing to people around you.  Those actions themselves are a contribution from you to the world. 

When you come from a space of scarcity you always scavenge.  You scavenge for people in your life, scavenge for love, you scavenge for wealth, you scavenge for money and from this sense of lack you are not in a position to think about the world at large.

All that you’re concerned is trying to fill that void that you’re experiencing within yourself but when you awaken yourself to abundance consciousness life becomes extremely easy.  You are not fighting at every step in your life. You are filled with synchronicities you’re filled with magic in your life and when you come from this state of abundance consciousness and you create wealth, your actions and the decisions and the actions that you perform from this abundance consciousness not only enriches your life but also you become an individual capable of contributing back to the world. You become a great contributor because now you have a state that is conducive for this act of contribution.