What are you feeling behind that smile?
What are you holding behind that silence?
Please pause, enquire and feel your loved ones. Feel your colleagues. Feel your neighbours - before you judge them.
You judge them as unsocial, as arrogant, as unfriendly, or angry - without ever feeling the person behind the mask.
People all the time wear masks to hide their pains, to hide their loneliness, to hide their anxiety - even from their closest friends.
Because somewhere, sometime - they were ridiculed for their pains instead of being helped. They were teased and laughed at for their anxiety instead of being given courage.They were hurt further, because they were already emotionally hurt - instead of being consoled.Their trust was broken, when they opened up about their feelings.You need to change that for them. Show them that they are loved.Very sadly, we all live in a world that is too self- engrossed. As human beings, we all emote - yet, we say- Emotions are a waste of time.
If emotion is not life - then what is life?
Emotion is a part of human existence. Our evolution is not about becoming unemotional- but about becoming free of painful and unpleasant emotions as soon as they arise, and to live in beautiful emotional states.Millions and millions are going to suffer mild to severe depression because we are the first generation of people who are living such 'Individualistic - lonely' lives.Ever since our emergence as a species, we have always lived in groups, in tribes and in large families. Modernization and culture has suddenly brought upon this loneliness. In very recent times we became nuclear families and now we are individuals with ever fleeting relationships.Our games are lonely games- we play with computers. Our entertainment is lonely that we each choose our own movies and our own fun in our own rooms. Our food is so individualistic that we each order our own and eat in our rooms or in crowded restaurants - all by ourselves.
We also give into depression so quickly because we believe one thwarted desire, one broken relationship, one failed business attempt is the end of the world as we know it.Not all desires will be fulfilled, not all relationship will work out, not all attempts will succeed.
If you can realize this and not give in to depression- trust me, greater opportunities and openings will flow into your life.
That is the way of the universe.
We can heal this depression. We can heal this mental disease of loneliness. Everyone of us has the power to do so.
The way to do this is - Become Feeling Human- beings.
Each one of us can learn to pause and feel what the other is feeling and respond in a way that it can heal the other; there will be no depression on the face of Earth.
Human beings are delicate creatures. If in every family, parents can be conscious and recognise their children are moving into dullness, into depression, into sadness or into fear - If they can feel them, if they can listen to them, you can heal your children.
If in a partnered relationship, the partners can be sensitive to each other, if you can pause, if you can take that time to look into each others eyes and feel what the other is feeling; and listen and hold the other, then you can help them get out of that depression.
If at work, every organisation can give some time for personal connection, if at work you can pause you can take off a few minutes to connect to the feelings of the other - feel the other's anxiety, feel the other's happiness, celebrate their joys with them, hold them when they are in unhappiness, listen to them, we can heal this world. You can heal your colleague.
As ‘Artificial Intelligence’ takes over the world, ‘Heart Intelligence’ must rise.
That is the ONLY way for the world to be healed !