To create an atmosphere of teamwork employees should feel, they are a part of the soul of the organization.

Question - Please talk to us about holding space for my team at work.

To me holding a space for another actually begins as a state of inner spaciousness.

Have you ever noticed that in the middle of a meeting or a discussion you suddenly become tensed? Do you know Why?

When you are engaged in a conversation and you feel an inner rush or feel tense  it is because you are unconsciously engaging in a judgement over the other.

You are judging that the other is inadequate in their skills, capacities and knowledge or inadequate in their attitude and personality.

Or you are judging that the other is incorrect - incorrect in their views, in their  opinions or in the way they are functioning.

or you are judging that the other is a threat to your self interest or that the other is judging you.

As a result of this stress and rush, there is compulsive urge within you to set them right, to correct them or to make them own up their mistakes.

Don’t mistake me that I am saying, you should not judge at all. Judgement is necessary. But when judgement arises because of prejudice, it hurts the other. This makes the other feel disrespected and devalued.

Do you know that more than 54% of people on average feel disrespected at work? 

How can someone who is battling with disrespect ever be creative or productive or efficient?

Holding space for another means being able to connect and listen to another without this internal rush or stress.

In this space of connection, something magical happens. The other becomes a part of the solution. You radiate an energy of calm and trust that nurtures them, that allows them to express their potential.

Let us take an example from nature.

Do you know what a thick growth of mushrooms on the forest floor means?

It means the forest is thriving and vibrant with life; because mushrooms are packets of energy and life. Mushrooms help trees extract minerals and water from the soil; in exchange the trees supply mushrooms with sugars. Thus there is a healthy symbiosis and growth of life in the forest.

In the same way, an organization should nurture individuals in various rungs who live in a state free of inner rush, free of judgements and hold conversations in a space of connection.

You then build each other into forces of energy, that are aligned towards a common vision. Like forests that nurture the giant trees as well as the mushrooms-organisations should nurture the small as well as the big.

If you can emerge into a connected human being and if you can go through a transformational journey together with your team, with diligence, you will see a strange happening unfold.

Your brains will begin to connect as one. Inspiration, and ideas will begin to flow from one to the other - as if you had one collective brain, one connected brain.

Without this connection your organisation is like hundred strong horses each running in its own direction. If you want every member of the organisation to move towards success and achieve their goals, you must hold a space for everyone through regular practices of meditations.

Only then you can build success from One Collective Brain and One Connected Brain!