Four Langhanams For spiritual power

If you want mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health you should practice 4 langhanams. 

our ancients in India used  one very simple principle. They called it - “Langanam paramaushadam” fasting is the ultimate medicine.  i want all of you to Wait, before you come to any conclusions. and i want you all to Listen to the end. 

 if you want mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health you should practice 4 langhanams. 

The first Langhanam is fasting food.  

our ancients did not see the human body as an eating machine funnily many people in seclusion are engaging in nonstop eating. This kind of eating will  only make you more sick and is going to make more prone to  infections.

Eat only when your digestive fire actually burns and asks for it, not when your tongue asks. That will also give some break to who ever is cooking at home 

Start eating only when your breath is flowing strongly through your right nostril; you can digest what you are eating most effectively when breath is flowing through your right  nostril because of the solar energy flow. Practice any kind of fasting- you can practice intermittent fasting, water fasting, or soup fasting. Remember, even animals fast when they are sick or want to heal themselves. Langhanam can also be eating right. All immunoglobulins, which are antibodies to fight diseases are all proteins. Eating right will mean taking the right amount of protein into your diet to enhance immunity

The second langhanam is fasting breath. 

Just as The more heat an engine produces the faster it burns out. Every cell is like an engine that is being powered, by the intake of breathe. The ancient yogis practised fasting of breath. they deliberately did slow inhalations and extremely long exhalations with breathe pauses. when you practise breath fasting, you will actually age slowly. Your thoughts begin to become more positive. You can more easily break away from negative thoughts. 

The third langhanam is fasting hurtful and pessimistic speech. 

Very few people have Vak- Shakti or the power of speech to manifest their goals. The more consciously you speak words that are true and  cause joy to others in a very pleasing tone- your vak Shakti grows. 

The final Langanam is fasting movement. It’s not about living down on your cushion, eating popcorn and watching TV. Fasting movement means sitting still, either observing your breath , listening to the sounds of nature or with the name of your divine being chanted inwardly. Sit still. Even if you can sit still even for 1 minute at a time. It will bring down the restlessness in your body, it will bring down the restlessness in your mind. 

Langhanam or fasting is power. Try practising these 4 langhanams and you will feel great power in your body, mind and consciousness.