Are you feeling mentally weak, unable to cope with the pressures of life? Do you have a sense of being trapped in your own mind, unable to come out of it? Are there times when you feel that your mind is not working at its optimum level? Are there times when you are tense and agitated for no apparent reason? If so, then this audio is for YOU.

The answer lies within... It's time to evolve! Listen this Audio of Sri Preethaji NOW! 

Earlier times, we used to experience stress when we probably faced a tiger, we faced a lion. 

There was physical danger and we need to run very fast. And we probably had a very small window of, say 90 seconds where you escape the tiger, or you get eaten by the tiger. 

Anything beyond those 90 seconds, If you're continuing to live in a state of stress, you're hurting your physical body, that is a state of stress increases the insulin level.

Stress does not help us. Stress does not push us. It makes us less intelligent, it makes us have less energy for life, it gives us very little creativity for the problems that we have in life if we have to become creative and responding to it.