Learn from Sri Preethaji on two states of consciousness

Understanding the Chit Shakti -the power of consciousness, Is like understanding say, the ocean currents, So you can navigate the boat of your life with ease. 


Let me now talk to you a little about Ekam - it is the ground on which I am sitting right now which is getting streamed to you. Sunrise is  a very special time at Ekam. 

Ekam is built in the ancient mystical 3 dimensional energy form of surya or the sun. 

Every morning as the sun’s rays hit the sanctum of Ekam, powerful energies course through it and radiate out into the world. 

Ekam is a mystic powerhouse. It is a unique structure that combines the earth’s energies and the cosmic energies creating a powerful field within itself. Anyone who meditates inside the sanctum of Ekam will be able to access the powerful field of energy and effortlessly immerse deep into transcendence. 

The ancients in India called consciousness as Chit. 

Today as we delve into the power of consciousness let us understand Chit Shakti - the power of consciousness.

Understanding the Chit Shakti -the power of consciousness, Is like understanding say, the ocean currents, So you can navigate the boat of your life with ease. So you can take advantage of both tides – you can take advantage of the low tide as well as the high tide. 

To understand Chit -Shakti, let us realize a simple and yet a profoundly transforming insight from Krishnaji, 

Krishnaji says- All human beings only experience life from two states of being- a suffering state or a beautiful state. There is no third state of being. And the most important decision of our life is from which state do we want to live and experience our life.

Let me explain what a beautiful state is.  These are flow states, it could be experience of joy, gratitude, courage, peace, love, serenity etc

And if we look at suffering states- these are states in which you experience an inner disturbance. You experience agitation within yourself  and they are states where you experience friction.  It could be anger, anxiety, loneliness, sadness, depression, insecurity or guilt. 

Whether you are in a beautiful state or a suffering state - the test is your experience of life. Does the experience of your life feel like a flow or does it feel stressful and hurting. 

The first experience of these states is felt in how you experience life- whether you feel life is a blessing or you feel life is a burden. 

The second impact of these states is you see it in your decisions, in your choices, the actions and  consequences you will create in your life.

The third impact of these states is they affect the sequence of events that unfold in your life. They either bring chaos or they bring order into your life.