Sri Krishnaji's guidance to young people to emerge into Impactful Leaders

QUESTION- Hi Krishnaji , Can I be a successful leader even if my temperament is soft?                                   

Who said leadership is about aggression? It is a major misperception that media & society cultivates in us. You associate leadership with aggression because you believe leadership is position.

Is it true?

If you assumed leadership is equal to position, or is equal to authority over others, then your idea of leadership is very flawed.

You may be a shy and soft leader like Gandhiji or an outspoken and a dynamic leader like Sardar Vallabhai Patel.

Gandhiji was shy. He was an introvert. But his connection to the unspeakable suffering of Indian people in slavery lead him to be a leader.

Sardar Vallabhai Patel was an extrovert, and an outspoken individual. His love for an India- free of division, free of poverty, free of oppression led him to be a leader.

It doesn’t matter what your personality is. But as an aspiring leader, you must understand that leadership is about the extent of impact you can create.
Leadership is about how passionate you are about making a difference.

Do you wake up every morning with a burning desire to create a difference in the world around you?

But leadership is not for the faint hearted or the luke warm. It is only for the passionate.

You may want to create a difference to the earth's climate like a Greta Thunberg.
You may want to create an entire forest like a Jadav Payeng.
You may want to stand up against child labour like a Kailash Satyarthi.
It does not matter what your personality is.

To become a leader, a massive awakening of the "creative potential" of the brain is a must.
An immense awakening of the "passion potential" of the heart is a must.

I would also like to let you know that the axis of leadership is going to tilt rapidly in the coming two years. It will be like a revolution.

It will be time for heart- leadership.

It will not just be sufficient that you possess a strong intellect; as tomorrow’s leader you will have to be intuitive too.

It will not just be sufficient that you are aggressive and dashing; as tomorrow’s leader you will have to be a great listener too.

It will not be just sufficient that you are strong on numbers; as tomorrow’s leader you will also have to learn to share your feelings.

What I see common in all this, is a ‘state of connection’. It does not matter whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. What is important is that you awaken to a beautiful state of connection. For only from connection is born purpose, is born listening, is born intuition and sharing of hearts feelings.

It is to create this new generation leaders that Preethaji and I host the Annual Youth Leadership Festival at Ekam and the Happy Hearts Fest for youth to build entire villages.

These are events that will open your heart to deeper connection and your mind to a greater intelligence.

I would say that every young person who is aspiring to be a leader must participate in these life transforming events.