Beat your Boredom -By Sri Preethaji

Everything is mechanistic.  This is how life feels when we merely survive and are not living. 
Do  you know why? 

Most people are bored to death in their homes.  They  are struggling with meaninglessness in their life sitting at home . Waking up is boring, talking to each other is boring, Spending time with children is boring , cooking is boring , cleaning is boring. .

Everything is mechanistic.  This is how life feels when we merely survive and are not living. 

Do  you know why? 

It is because the Sacred has moved out of our lives.  

How do we define what is sacred? 

A thing becomes sacred when you realise it is irreplaceable. Your partner becomes sacred, when you feel that companionship is irreplaceable. Your children, your parents become sacred when you feel they are not things you can exchange and find a replacement. 

The day you feel your work or career is irreplaceable, you will find fulfilment. Your work too has become sacred. 

Let me ask you- do you feel that way about your career? If you do, then you are among those blessed people who will realise their greater destiny. 

Do you feel that way about your relationships? If you do, then you feel whole within. 

Sacredness arises when you feel a deep sense of Connection, instead of merely engaging in the act like a duty. 

Let me explain this with the simple example of eating with sacredness. 

 Do  you know ancient Indians would only eat when the stomach asked for food not when the tongue asked for it.

 They ate only when they were hungry not when they were tempted -because they ate  to feed their  digestive fire in their bellies. 

After  the first sign of hunger was thrown up by the digestive fire, they check their breath. They  waited for breath to flow through the right nostril before they sat down to eat.

Why? Let me explain it. 

 Do you know that we have more than 70000 Nadis  or pranic veins through which our vital energy flows. Among these - three are prominent - Ida  which carries the lunar current, pingala  which carries the solar current and Sushumna which carries the earth‘s current and which gets transmuted into divine energy as it moves higher .

When  Lunar energy flows through Ida - your breath flows through the left nostril.

When solar energy flows through Pingala breath flows through the right nostril.

These currents keep alternating every hour or less than that in our body.

 When solar energy flows through Pingala and you eat at that time ,food gets digested easily and is obsorbed  well by the body. That is why they checked their breath before eating. 

 Lastly they offered thanks to mother Earth for giving them food and offered a small portion of their food to the ants on earth and began eating .

 Even behind the most mundane ordinary act of eating -there can be deep sacredness. Try eating even one meal a day this way and see it's impact on your health. 

With this sense of the sacred, with this awareness of Connection, All acts of our daily life are no more mechanical chores driven by survival.

In the  act of eating they were connected to their bodies.  

they were connected to their energies.  

they were connected to the earth and to her life forms.

 It is only when you are awakened to the magnificent state of connection you experience the sacredness of life. You are truly living.