Uncover the enigmatic tale of Sam, a young protagonist whose fate intertwines with ancient bloodlines. In a remote town, Sam's world is forever altered when he befriends an unlikely group of companions harboring a remarkable secret—they are the descendants of immortal beings.

Transported to the fantastical realm of Lior, Sam and his newfound allies embark on a treacherous journey against the rising Darkness that has plagued their lineage for millennia. As the Descendants of the Light, they have tirelessly battled these malevolent forces, but a sinister plot now unfolds in the deepest recesses of Lior. This conspiracy not only threatens Sam's own destiny but also imperils the very existence of both worlds.

Join Sam, Emma, Gus, and Lillia on an extraordinary quest through Lior, where mythical creatures such as dragons, giants, and other awe-inspiring beings await them at every turn. Together, they will unravel the secrets of the ancient Watcher Key, while defying insurmountable odds and forging their own destinies.

Immerse yourself in this gripping fantasy adventure, filled with thrilling encounters, breathtaking landscapes, and a mystery that will keep you captivated until the final page. Discover if Sam possesses the power to transcend his mortal lineage and emerge as a true hero in the face of impending Darkness. 

Join me for the discussion with Troy Hooker on Tuesday, September 26th at 7 pm Eastern time. You can listen by dialing at 646-668-8485. Follow PJC Media on podcast platforms everywhere. Or, click on the link: http://tobtr.com/s/12269033.