What if a group of people existed who were relatives of the people Jesus healed?

What if those people possessed special powers as a result of a DNA change that occurred with the healing?

What if those people survived the many attempts to wipe them out through the centuries and possessed many of the historical artifacts that would prove the Christian faith was real and relevant?

What if the great revelation was to occur this year, opening the world to all that they had saved and protected down through the centuries? The SOTH (Sect. Of. The. Healed) plans to release every major artifact and relic relevant to the proof of Jesus’ claims while he was on earth but the Cleansing Group has plans to wipe the SOTH out before they can release the archeological finds to the world.

Join me as I chat with Dean Brior and his debut release on June 23rd at 7 PM Eastern time! You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here: http://tobtr.com/11732343.