The Scholar’s Quest is a Christian Fiction series set in Errat, a land where the Word of God is no longer available. The books of what we know as the Bible have been destroyed, forgotten or hidden – and dark forces work to keep them that way.

The Scholar’s Quest: The Way (Book One) begins the epic quest.

Follow a group of adventurers, each with their own skills and problems, as they rediscover, reunite and study the Scriptures. Learn the basic tenets of the Bible during a rollicking adventure across a world that has tried its best to forget and bury God.

Join me as I chat with debut author Brad Rucker about his book. You can call in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes and iHeartreadio. Add PJC Media to your Spotify library, or click on the link here: