Marcos Valdez already had more women than he could stand. But no, the rich playboy just had to have the very beautiful, the very innocent Chasity Bradshaw too. In doing so, he set off a chain of events that splattered both of their lives with vivid pain and agony for many years to come. 

Unfortunately for Marcos, he realized too late that he really was in love with Chasity and desperately wanted her back. As for Chasity, her faith in people was devastated, her faith in God was severely tested, and she wanted nothing else to do with Marcos. 

Will Marcos ever reclaim the heart of the woman he once preyed upon? Will Chasity ever forgive and trust him completely? Will they both ever reclaim the precious gift that was lost to them?

Join me as I talk with Suprina Frazier about her newest  release! You can call in at 646-668-8485, press 1 to be live on air. Or, download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Or, click on the link here: