The controversial nature of this particular episode (a discussion of the preterist view of end-times biblical prophecy) when I first aired this over a year ago, caused me to receive some slight criticism because I highlighted a different view. In the past year, however, more books, talks, and clips, etc. are becoming more widespread about the preterist view of biblical End times. Brian Godawa has been my go-to on this subject and due to the increased interest, I've decided to rebroadcast his show.


Many of us have aligned ourselves to the idea that the Great Tribulation is a futuristic event. Prophecy enthusiasts often use the current events as markers for the Great TribuLation to occur. Who hasn't seen the Left Behind movies and books? Who hasn't followed closely the wars and the rumors of wars? Who isn't aware of the dispensationlist who watch the events happening in Israel for the awakening of God's people in the great battle to come? Who hasn't speculated of where the AntiChrist will come from?

Yet, on today's show, we're going to explore a viewpoint that states the Great Tribulation has already happened. That the AntiChrist was revealed, and that the Christian persecution of the past was the Great Tribulation. Through the vehicle of my fiction, my guest, Brian Godawa explores this topic with depth and sensitivity, and towards the end of the show, brings it all together.

You can listen in by calling in at 646-668-8485. Or, download Stitcher on your mobile device. Or, click on the link here: http://tobtr.com/10960143.