Ripped straight from the headlines -- a story of to shake us to the very core.

After surviving an armed student siege at Hunter High School, Australian school counsellor Danielle Bennetton emerges from the carnage and is thrust into the spotlight first as an eye witness and, ultimately, as a celebrity psychologist – racked by guilt.

Three years later, Danielle locks herself away in a beachside cabin, surrounds herself with all the multimedia evidence from the coroner’s inquest, and recounts the events from that Black Friday, minute by minute, in an attempt to understand the tragedy in context, and the forces of evil that stalked the halls that day.

A gripping, insightful, and haunting work of fiction that dares to look behind today’s headlines in search of truth, hope, and the hand of God amidst our chaos and pain.

Listen in as I chat with Australian author Kevin Phillips about his debut novel on March 11th at 7pm Eastern time on this special edition. Listen in at 646-668-8485 and press 1 to be live on air. Or, download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Or, click on the link here: