The patriot preachers during the American Revolution played a major role in forming the ideology of the American people that eventually produced the federal Constitution. Learned men shaped the American mind and prepared the nation to accept a republican government founded on the concept of popular sovereignty and the principles of republican government  found in the pages of Scripture.

In this new book, Bill Fortenberry retraces the work of patriotic theologians and identifies specific biblical principles which formed the foundations of American government. Bill encourages his readers to take the Bible in one hand and the Constitution in the other hand and discover the exact same principles of government in both documents.

This incredible book will give you the same theological grounding that led our forefathers to establish America as a nation- under God. Listen to this insightful discussion as we discuss Bill Fortenberry's newest book. Listen at by calling in at 646-668-8485. Download Stitcher on your mobile device. Follow us on iTunes. Or, click on the link here: