Sabotage: deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.

I closed out the window on my computer and sat there stunned. I had just finished listening to Dr. Mike Spaulding's podcast with my guest today, Dr. Judith Reisman. It only lasted an hour but my whole world shifted as I was made aware of a man who change the whole idea of sex and sexuality in the U. S. I hadn't even heard of the man until I listened to Dr. Spaulding's show. Had no idea that his far-reaching clutches would affect the following generations to the millenials and beyond.

It's a conviction of mine that we have no idea of the power of one person. A single person can change the whole of history.

To Andy Rooney and the Greatest Generation, sex was only a rumor. But to an Indiana University zoology professor, wholesome American youth were in fact promiscuous and adulterous. Alfred Kinsey's bias-masquerading-as-research became accepted wisdom, thus tainting generations of Americans. Now, in a comprehensive and investigative fashion, Judith Reisman traces not only the effects of Kinsey's diabolical research, but describes those early, falsely accused generations in very different terms, because she lived through those times. The combination of Reisman's exhaustive research and personal knowledge of the times in which Kinsey worked make this book a thoroughly engaging read, documenting a crucial societal shift.

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