Many Catholics have either left the Church or been scandalized by the errors or immorality rampant in her clergy. We’ve watched as faithful Catholics have been restricted or punished without just cause, while those who confuse, contradict, or undermine the Faith are elevated. In this urgent book, the authors notice an apparent absurdity: those most disciplined by the Church at this time are often least deserving of correction. This protracted state of confusion and injustice, plain for all to see, has shaken the faith of millions.

Far from being another diatribe, these pages provide a deeply illuminating historical perspective, revealing how this chaotic period in the Church is hardly unprecedented — or unpredicted. Instead, it represents a recurring feature of life in the Church throughout her history and is even a part of the divine plan. With this context, you will make sense of and discover solutions to our present suffering. You will learn:

When to obey — and when to disobey — a priest or bishop; how several saints were purified and sanctified by unholy superiors
What not to do when responding to the crisis of persecution in the Church
How Christ both predicted and prefigured the sufferings of His Church at the hands of wicked prelates
Practical ways you can respond and share the truth
Achievable means to embolden your faith and remain obedient while correcting error
How to talk to non-Catholics about the pandemic of filth and error in the Church ... and more!

Join me as I chat with former speech writer for President Donald Trump, Alec Torres, as we air out the dirty laundry of the church to help strengthen our faith on Saturday, January 13th at 2 pm Eastern time. You can listen in by dialing 646-668-8485. Follow PJC on podcast platforms everywhere. Or, click on the link here: