In 1959, 69 African American teenage boys were padlocked into their dormitory for the night at the Negroboys Industrial School in Wrightsville.Twenty-one died in a mysterious fire that night.

No one ever knew it existed because the ability of the state of Arkansas to do such a fantastic job to cover it up. On March 5, 1959, 69 African Amerian boys, ages 13 to 17 were padlocked into their dormitory for the night at the Negro Boys Industrial School in Wrightsville. Around 4 a.m., a fire mysteriously ignited, forcing the boys to fight and claw their way out of the burning building.

It's an event in history possibly forgotten or unknown by many, but it's that moment that claimed the life of 21 boys. It was a carefully calulated mrder that involved 21 boys but was designed to kill 69 that were housed inside of this dormitory.