The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), coupled with some medical researchers here and abroad, have found climbing rates of many STDs in this demographic. Herpes, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and even HIV and AIDS are no longer diseases only for the young. In fact, in seniors (ages 45-64+), rates for most of these infections has almost tripled in the past ten years. 

With the possibility of pregnancy disappearing after a certain age, it can be more tempting for seniors to forego protection during sex. According to statistics from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, HIV diagnoses in older Louisianians went up from 2010 to 2011.

For Louisianians aged 65 and over, the number rose from 66 in 2010 to 78 in 2011. The age 45 to 54.demographic went up from 207 in 2010 to 232 in 2011.