Fibromyalgia is the second most common condition affecting your bones and muscles. Yet it's often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. It's classic symptoms are widespread muscle and joint pain and fatigue.

There's no cure. But a combination of medication, exercise, managing your stress, and healthy habits may ease your symptoms enough that you can live a normal, active life.

Doctor's aren't sure what causes it, but some think it's a problem with how your brain and spinal cord process pain signals from your nerves. We do know certain things suggest you're more likely to get it: 1) you're a woman; 2) You have another painful disease, such as arthritis, or an infection; 3) you have a mood disorder, like anxiety or depression; 4) you were physically or emotionally abused or have PTSD; 5) you rarely exercise; 6) other family members have it.

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