The Atkins Diet has the benefits of a low carb diet. Carbs and weight loss are closely related. Everyone's metabolism can use two different types of fuel for energy-either sugar (and carbs that are quickly turned into sugar by the body), or fat. But the type of fuel you burn can have a big difference in losing or maintaining weight. A typical diet reduces calories, but is still high in carbohydrates (and thus sugar). As a result, many people constantly cycle between sugar hight, where excess sugar is actually stored as fat in the body and sugar lows where you feel fatigued and ravenously hungry-for more carbs and sugar For many, it's really hard to lose weight that way. Atkins, on the other hand, limits carbohydrates, sugar so the body burns fat, including body fat for fuel. This approach leaves the body steadily fueled and weight is lost, even when more calories are being consumed.